Google Street View Sightseeing

“Ah, Mr. Google, I’ve BIN expecting you.”

Tuesday, 4th December 2012

“Darling, please could you go to the supermarket for me? I’d like dog tonight.”

Tuesday, 20th November 2012

This girl has an appendage we don’t think we’ve ever seen before…

Tuesday, 30th October 2012

Go clubbing with Google Street View! (At Amsterdam’s Milky Way Club)

Thursday, 25th October 2012

I’m no structural engineer, but the gravity-defying telegraph pole is probably unsafe

Wednesday, 24th October 2012

Stormtroopers guard the sever racks on street view *inside* Google’s Lenoir Data Center!

Wednesday, 17th October 2012

Welcome to Google Sightseeing!

Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

Like this site? We published a photo book of the best entries, you should buy a copy.