
Bridge Over Troubled Water

Okay, okay... It's a weak link but I couldn't resist. Troubled water? No? Never mind. Check out this great bridge over a frozen river in Howland, Maine. Actually, Howland appears to be just North of a place which seems familiar…

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Friday, 10th June 2005

Feelin’ Groovy

1, 2, 3... This is the 59th Street Bridge, New York City. Not hugely interesting to look at, but Simon and Garfunkel sang a really great song about it 🙂 (and it does have quite a cool shadow too!). Although…

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Friday, 10th June 2005

Swing Bridge

Check out this cool Swing bridge caught mid-swing in Little Current, Ontario. Thanks: Didier

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Sunday, 5th June 2005

Double Missed Bridge

Following on from our previously posted double bridge and missed bridge, Google Sightseeing is proud to present, the double missed bridge! Someone really needs to fire those engineers... 😉 Thanks to alien_alan.

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Friday, 3rd June 2005

Double Bridge Shadow

Here's a great double bridge shadow in New Orleans. Weirdly, Google Maps labels both bridges as the Greater New Orleans Bridge, and they also both appear to carry the same highway. Does traffic only go one way on each perhaps?…

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Thursday, 2nd June 2005

Tacoma Narrows

This is the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, which is the replacement for the original one which famously collapsed on film in 1940 (the link is to the movie on Wikipedia in ogg format, there's loads of statistics there too). What's really…

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Wednesday, 1st June 2005

Welcome to Google Sightseeing!

Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

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