
Get Off The Road!

This madman is walking down the middle of a motorway! Hmmm, on second thought... maybe he's not in any danger. I wonder what he's up to though? Thanks: ledzepmet

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Tuesday, 3rd April 2007

Nature Calls

I suppose it had to happen eventually, but a submitter (who actually asked to remain anonymous!), thinks they may have found the first Google Earth image of... someone doing something which we must all do at least once a day.1…

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Friday, 23rd March 2007

Playground Game?

Does anyone know why these kids in a French playground have formed a giant star shape? Perhaps it's some sort of playground game, but not one I ever played! Which makes me wonder -- has anyone found any other kids…

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Friday, 23rd March 2007

Russian Terror Bus

There's something very strange going in Moscow, Russia. It looks as if a bus has come to a stop right across a motorway, bringing traffic to a complete halt in both directions. There doesn't appear to be any debris from…

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Friday, 9th March 2007

National Geographic African Megaflyover Project

News has spread across the internet over the last day or two of a "hack" that allows you much more zooming on Google Maps. Unfortunately for all the people who've wasted hours scanning the earth, this is really nothing new.…

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Thursday, 8th March 2007

Invasion of the Giant Seals

Yes people, there really is an absolutely enormous seal in The Hague, Netherlands. Apparently it belongs to the International Fund for Animal Welfare, and presumably it's designed to so utterly terrify the seal hunters that they're unable to ever again…

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Friday, 2nd March 2007

Welcome to Google Sightseeing!

Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

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