Natural Landmarks


Well here's something I didn't expect to see. Thousands of trees floating in the water as part of a logging operation on Vancouver Island. I think it's actually a strangely beautiful image (thumbnail #1). However, the whole thing becomes a…

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Tuesday, 26th April 2005

Forest Fires

It's pretty obvious where the fire has been and where it is heading in the first forest fire in Louisiana (thumbnail #1) and there is an immense amount of smoke from this other fire in Louisiana. You can see a…

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Monday, 25th April 2005

The Manicouagan Impact Crater

Wow. The Manicouagan impact crater is huge. Apparently it's one of the largest impact craters still preserved on the surface of the Earth, and was formed during a tremendous impact about 200 million years ago. The annular lake that shows…

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Sunday, 24th April 2005

Crater Lake

Oregon's spectacular Crater Lake is (at its deepest) 1,932 feet deep -- the deepest lake in the United States. The lake is in a volcanic caldera that was formed 6900 years ago by the collapse of the volcano Mount Mazama.…

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Sunday, 24th April 2005


Out in the Atlantic Ocean is a small patch of high-res photos where you'll find the island of Bermuda, an internally self-governing island overseas territory of the United Kingdom. Reader Patrick pointed out a Cruise Liner docked to the East…

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Friday, 22nd April 2005

The White Snake of Baja

Rick Vincent sent us what he describes as 'The White Snake of Baja'. Looks like a river, but it is HUGE. You can still see it all the way out here!

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Thursday, 14th April 2005

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