Firefox Crop Circle

All of a sudden there's an absolutely enormous Firefox Logo Crop Circle carved into this field in Oregon, where previously there was nothing! Are aliens telling us their browser preferences? Or has Internet Explorer finally been eradicated from the Internet?…

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Wednesday, 29th November 2006

Swiss Flag

Just to the West of the Swiss town of Morges we find the biggest Swiss flag in the world (probably). It's about 80 metres square and has been painted on a roof. Out faithful reader ChrisW (who suggested this sight)…

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Wednesday, 29th November 2006

Gigantic B2 Stealth Bomber

Here on Tenerife there's an absolutely gigantic shape on the landscape, which looks very like a B2 Stealth Bomber. Just a coincidental arrangement of images, or the accidental discovery of a super-secret B2 Invisibility Cloak? Via (Thanks Rob W…

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Wednesday, 29th November 2006

Top 10 Naked People on Google Earth

You've all seen the original Google Sightseeing Topless Sunbather already, but did you know that the Hague is in fact completely overrun with naked and semi-naked Dutch men and women? Yes people, it's time to get your magnifying glasses out,…

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Tuesday, 28th November 2006

Native American, Listening to an iPod

Just in case you missed this when it did the rounds in October, here's some hills in Canada which seem to resemble... well, I'd be hard pushed not to admit that this does look an awful lot like a Native…

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Tuesday, 28th November 2006

Multi-Coloured Guitars

At the Memphis-Days Inn At Graceland there's a big blue guitar (yes, of course it's a pool - here's ground-level shots). And all the way over in Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia, there's the Big Golden Guitar, which is exactly…

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Monday, 27th November 2006

Welcome to Google Sightseeing!

Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

Like this site? We published a photo book of the best entries, you should buy a copy.