Search Results for 'swing bridge'
Hojack Swing Bridge
This is the Hojack Swing Bridge on the Genesee River near Lake Ontario, which is slated for destruction. Seems a shame, 'cos it looks pretty cool from up here. Scott Ventura says: There's a movement afoot…
Swing Bridge
Check out this cool Swing bridge caught mid-swing in Little Current, Ontario. Thanks: Didier
Floating Bridges
Floating bridges, while often temporary structures used in times of war or disaster, can also be used long-term in locations where water conditions are very sheltered. The road surface is supported by pontoons, which - while…
Calatrava’s Bridges
Santiago Calatrava is a renowned Spanish architect whose work we've admired in the past on Google Sightseeing. We're going to take a more in-depth look at his innovative work in two areas, beginning today with bridges.…
Barton Swing Aqueduct
In the past we've featured some incredible feats of engineering in service of canals and their traffic, but perhaps none as elegant as the Barton Swing Aqueduct, England. Designed by Edward Leader Williams1 and first used…
Broken Bridge
This bridge near Istanbul, Turkey looks likes it been smashed to pieces! Presumably it's under construction, and they're floating the pieces out into place. Either that or it's some sort of freaky swing-bridge... 😉 Thanks to…
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