Search Results for 'bridge'
Double Drawbridge
Here's a rather nice double drawbridge near the Fort Lauderdale Beach in Florida. The road itself is Sunrise Boulevard (hehe, we don't have boulevards over here) which sounds like a fake road name if you ask…
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Okay, okay... It's a weak link but I couldn't resist. Troubled water? No? Never mind. Check out this great bridge over a frozen river in Howland, Maine. Actually, Howland appears to be just North of a…
Swing Bridge
Check out this cool Swing bridge caught mid-swing in Little Current, Ontario. Thanks: Didier
Double Missed Bridge
Following on from our previously posted double bridge and missed bridge, Google Sightseeing is proud to present, the double missed bridge! Someone really needs to fire those engineers... 😉 Thanks to alien_alan.
Double Bridge Shadow
Here's a great double bridge shadow in New Orleans. Weirdly, Google Maps labels both bridges as the Greater New Orleans Bridge, and they also both appear to carry the same highway. Does traffic only go one…
Missed Bridge
There appear to be some serious alignment issues with the Clark Bridge, which connects Missouri and Illinois. I certainly wouldn't fancy trying to cross it! Evidently this bridge was the subject of some documentary sometime... Good…
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