HubPages Marks the Spot
Recognising our literary passion, technical knowledge, and expertise in the online mapping field1, the web's 57th most popular website, HubPages, have asked Alex and I to join their expert panel and judge entries to their latest contest “HubPages Marks the…
The Russian Woodpecker
Last week a top-secret Russian shortwave radio station, UVB-76, began broadcasting a coded message for only the fourth time in 28 years. Today we're exploring another shortwave system within the radioactive zone surrounding Chernobyl, The Russian Woodpecker The Russian Woodpecker…
Airport Emergency Training Locations
As a moderately frequent flyer, I enjoy looking out for fire and emergency training locations at airports. It's fascinating because, for anybody who is even vaguely nervous about flying, the sight of a twisted and charred fuselage is probably the…
“The Buzzer” speaks! (Voice transmission confirmed at UVB-76)
Regular readers may remember our post from 2009 about a Russian shortwave radio station, UVB-76, that has been emitting a short buzz tone on the AM frequency almost continuously since 1982. In the following 28 years the buzzing had only…
Google Street View uncovers death, idiocy, incompetence and supernatural powers
Last week newspaper websites across the world published a story about a young girl who appeared to be lying dead on the pavement of an English street, proving that the worldwide fascination with Google Street View continues unabated. Fortunately the…
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Today marks the 71st anniversary of the universally acclaimed 1939 American musical movie 'The Wizard of Oz', which has been often named as the most-watched film in history. The film was based on the 1900 novel "The Wonderful Wizard of…
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