Search Results for 'bridge'

Australia’s Top Ten Giant Animals

We've visited many of the world's largest objects here on Google Sightseeing, but if there is one country that - more than any other - has a fondness for large roadside attractions, it is Australia. So…

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Friday, 23rd April 2010

The Boat Race

The 156th annual Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge University Boat Clubs will take place this Saturday, April 3rd, on the River Thames in London. The first Boat Race between the two rowing clubs took place…

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Friday, 2nd April 2010

The Pennine Way

The recent expansion of Street View in the UK allows us to visit sections of the Pennine Way, Britain's most well known long distance walking path, where we can admire the scenery of three national parks…

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Friday, 26th March 2010

The Street View Best Streets Awards

Forget the Oscars - these are the awards that count at Google Sightseeing! The guys at Google are planning to expand their Street View coverage of the UK in the near future, and to get us…

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Monday, 8th March 2010

20 Years of a Free Nelson Mandela

Exactly 20 years ago today, on the 11th February 1990, the anti-apartheid activist Nelson Mandela was released from a 27-year incarceration in an event that was broadcast live all over the world. The South African courts…

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Thursday, 11th February 2010

Rance Tidal Power Plant

The world’s first and largest tidal power generation facility is located on the Rance River in north-western France. The estuary of the Rance River sees tides averaging 8 metres between low and high tide, and up…

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Wednesday, 9th December 2009

Welcome to Google Sightseeing!

Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

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